Startup Vortex

June Astrology Reading for Entrepreneurs

June 13, 2024
4 min

Hey there founders, entrepreneurs, and business owners!

We've just launched a new monthly astrology reading in partnership with Alexa Alicanti, founder of Lextrology. Each month, she will be doing a forecast on the energies we can expect for the month according to the position of the planets, how to use them in business, and what entrepreneurs can double down on to make the best business decisions.

If you'd like a more personalized reading, feel free to reach out to us.

We're slightly late with this month's reading, but without further ado! Let's dive into what are the most important areas to focus on this month.

Align Your Intentions With the Energy of the New Moon in Gemini

New Moon = beginning of a cycle

Theme of this New Moon = information, communication, networking

How to use New Moon in Gemini:

🟣 Manifest environments and communities aligned with interests

🟣 Focus on publishing ideas, media, content

🟣 Focus on client and audience communication

🟣 Learn a new skill

🟣 Brainstorm ideas

🟣 Manifest project consistency

Most Significant Dates From 6.6.24 - 6-21-24

6.11.24 Mars in Taurus square Retrograde Pluto in Aquarius - Steadiness and consistency concerning drive, motivation, and desire clashing with collective power dynamics, progression of ideas, technology. Good day to evaluate how your ego gets in the way of forward thinking and progress. Bad day for power struggles and trying to force an outcome.

6.12.24 Mercury in Gemini square Saturn in Pisces - Tension between communication, learning, and reasoning, concerning details, intellect, and dexterity, and structure, discipline, and limitations concerning artistry, creativity, and adaptability. Good day for mental breakthroughs and creative breakthroughs. Bad day for negative thinking, skepticism, and self-doubt creating limitations.

6.14.24 Sun in Gemini conjunct Mercury in Gemini - Alignment between sense of self, communication style, and mental process, especially concerning ideas, craftsmanship, intellect, dexterity. Great day to pitch an idea, create media, create content, brain storm, multitasking. Bad day for taking rigid approaches and taking yourself too seriously.

6.16.24 Venus enters Cancer - Financial abundance flow for companies/individuals involved in domestic matters, women and children, culinary arts, bartending, caretaking, and real estate.

6.17.24 Mercury enters Cancer, Mercury conjunct Venus Communication - Thought processes in alignment with financial abundance flow for companies/individuals involved in domestic matters, women and children, culinary arts, bartending, caretaking, and real estate. Great day for these industries to communicate ideas through aesthetically pleasing channels to increase revenue.

6.20.24 Sun enters Cancer - Attention and prominence gravitates towards companies/individuals involved in domestic matters, women and children, culinary arts, bartending, caretaking, and real estate.

Full Moon: culmination, release, end of a cycle

Capricorn: ambition, goals, authority, status, tradition, karma

How to use Full Moon in Capricorn:

🟣 Release ambitions and goals that aren’t in alignment with your authentic self

🟣 Recognize any toxic attachments to public perception and social status

🟣 Recognize and release attachment to tradition and status quo that keeps you stuck/limited

🟣 Release any toxic behaviors and patterns that are connected to desire for recognition release any unhealthy/toxic expressions of authority

🟣 Use the rest of the moon cycle to release and get organized until the new moon cycle begins on 7.5.24

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